PointClickCare CNA Login

PointClickCare CNA Login: Step By Step Guide

PointClickCare is a leading cloud-based software platform for the senior care industry, used by over 21,000 senior living facilities to efficiently manage operations and care.

Key Takeaways

  • PointClickCare is a leading EHR platform for senior care providers to manage operations and clinical workflows.
  • CNAs can access PointClickCare using secure login credentials provided by their facility.
  • Benefits of PointClickCare for CNAs include streamlined documentation, communication, and accessing real-time care info.
  • Understanding the login process and using PointClickCare properly ensures efficient workflows and quality care.

What is PointClickCare?

PointClickCare is a cloud-based platform that enables senior care providers to manage the entire scope of operations for skilled nursing facilities, senior living communities, life plan communities and home health agencies.

The software helps streamline workflows for:

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) – Complete clinical and electronic medication administration records.
  • Financials & Billing – Optimize revenue cycle management.
  • Business Intelligence – Leverage data and analytics for strategic planning.
  • Mobile Apps – Real-time care delivery and communication.

In particular, PointClickCare aims to simplify documentation and care coordination between various roles including nurses, CNAs, care staff, corporate staff and family members.

PointClickCare for CNAs

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) provide day-to-day hands-on care and support to elderly and disabled residents in various types of senior living facilities. PointClickCare provides several key benefits for CNAs:

  • Mobile Documentation – CNAs can use tablets and smartphones to document and access resident info from anywhere.
  • Streamlined Workflows – Intuitive workflows and reminders reduce paperwork and simplify processes.
  • Real-time Information – Access up-to-date resident care plans, documentation, schedules etc.
  • Enhanced Communication – Built-in messaging enables seamless collaboration with other staff.

By leveraging PointClickCare’s capabilities, CNAs can spend less time on paperwork and more time providing exceptional person-centered care.

PointClickCare CNA Login Process

To access PointClickCare as a CNA, you will need login credentials provided by your skilled nursing or senior living facility that uses PointClickCare.

The login process typically involves:

  • Obtaining your username – This is usually tied to your name and role (eg. jsmith_cna).
  • Getting a temporary initial password – You will need to change this after first login.
  • Completing any onboarding or training – To get familiarized with the system.
  • Logging in to PointClickCare web portal or mobile app – Using your secure login info.

Some key points for CNAs to properly log in to PointClickCare:

  • Use your personalized username – Do not share logins between staff to maintain accountability.
  • Change the initial password – Set a strong, secure password that you won’t forget.
  • Use your own PointClickCare account – Don’t rely on another staff member’s login.
  • Follow your facility’s cybersecurity policies – Such as password requirements, access levels.

Logging In on the PointClickCare Portal

The main PointClickCare portal is a web-based application you can access from any computer with an internet connection and web browser.

To log in:

  1. Go to your facility’s PointClickCare portal URL (provided by your admin) or https://www21.pointclickcare.com/poc/cna/cna.xhtml .
  2. Enter your unique username.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Click Login.

This will bring you to your PointClickCare homepage with your assigned tasks and information.

Accessing PointClickCare on Mobile

PointClickCare offers iOS and Android mobile apps so CNAs can access the platform on tablets and smartphones on-the-go.

To log into the PointClickCare mobile app:

  1. Download the app from your device’s app store.
  2. Open the app and enter the Community URL for your facility when prompted.
  3. Enter your PointClickCare username and password.
  4. Accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  5. You will be logged in and able to access resident info, documentation, communication tools.

Properly logging out of PointClickCare when you are finished helps maintain security.

Key Features of PointClickCare for CNAs

PointClickCare offers a range of features purpose-built for CNA workflows:

Resident Records and Care Plans

  • View detailed resident profiles including diagnoses, allergies, preferences etc.
  • Access up-to-date care plans specifying needs, tasks, goals.
  • See physician orders and care instructions from nursing staff.

Shift Documentation

  • Document assistance with ADLs like ambulation, hygiene, toileting.
  • Record vital signs taken during your shift.
  • Log intake/output information.
  • Document treatments administered.

Electronic MAR

  • View scheduled medications for your residents.
  • Scan & document medication administration via mobile device.


  • Complete MDS assessments and care area triggers.
  • Get reminders and tips during assessment workflows.

Digital Tools

  • Messaging to easily communicate with nurses and other staff.
  • Shift-change module to coordinate handoff of information.
  • Alerts & notifications for changes to resident status, new orders etc.

Properly using these and other tools can optimize productivity and resident care.

Benefits of PointClickCare for CNAs

Key benefits CNAs can realize by using PointClickCare include:

  • Increased efficiency – Spend less time on paperwork, minimize duplicative data entry.
  • Enhanced coordination & communication – Collaborate more seamlessly with interdisciplinary care team.
  • Reduced errors – Access accurate, up-to-date info to prevent mistakes.
  • Improved outcomes – Leverage data insights to provide better care.
  • Regulatory compliance – Adhere to documentation & reporting requirements.
  • Job satisfaction – More face-to-face resident time versus administrative tasks.

With structured EHR usage and adoption, CNAs can focus on what matters most – delivering personalized, compassionate care.

Best Practices for CNAs Using PointClickCare

Following best practices when using PointClickCare ensures CNAs get the most out of the platform:

  • Attend all required PointClickCare training to understand key features and workflows.
  • Follow documentation and data entry guidelines to keep information accurate and up-to-date.
  • Use PointClickCare messaging for all care communication to maintain compliance and care team coordination.
  • Only access permitted resident information that falls within your role and duties.
  • Log in and out of your PointClickCare account properly and never share login credentials.
  • Provide feedback to your manager on potential PointClickCare improvements or issues.
  • Use PointClickCare responsibly in accordance with your facility’s policies.

Adhering to these practices safeguards resident privacy, optimizes use of PointClickCare tools, and sets CNAs up for success.


In summary, PointClickCare offers CNAs key advantages through streamlined documentation, seamless care team coordination, access to real-time data, and simplified administrative workflows.

Properly logging in to PointClickCare according to your employer’s protocols and leveraging PointClickCare’s capabilities can empower CNAs to provide exceptional, person-centered care.

Optimizing PointClickCare as part of a complete EHR strategy can enhance quality and efficiencies across the entire senior care continuum.

shahid maqsood

Shahid Maqsood is an experienced writer and journalist with 10+ years in the industry. He is Content writer and Editor , where he writes daily articles covering topics like books, business, news, sports, and more. Shahid holds an MBA from Virtual University of Pakistan and a Master’s in Mass Communications. He is based in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

His work spans multiple platforms like dosttrusty.com and newsbreak.com,Quellpress.com , airriflehunting, and bruitly.com showcasing his versatility and depth. Shahid’s insightful articles reflect his expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, making him a respected and reliable voice in digital content creation. His contributions engage and inform readers, embodying professionalism and passion in every piece.

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